Reduce Hiring Costs by Automating Your Sales and Support with Dodo AI for Free

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Introducing DODO AI: Powered by GPT and customized for your business needs

Enhance your chatbot with AI, ensuring effortless integration and deployment across multiple channels.

Set up in a matter of minutes

Teach ones by uploading FAQ. Update anytime

Significantly decrease your support ticket count

Supports any language, available worldwide, 24/7

Dodo Simplify

By leveraging the power of AI, Dodo Simplify accurately assesses customer messages and redirects them to the appropriate category for efficient handling.


Cut Hiring costs


Enhance Resolution time

Dodo smart reply

Instead of crafting the perfect response to wow your customers, use Smart Reply during Live Chat. Select an option to instantly convey professionalism.

Dodo feedback

Evaluate your agent's conversations with Dodo Feedback Feature. Discover positives and negatives swiftly, along with concise conversation summaries.

Dodo Whisper

This dynamic widget harnesses the power of automation, enabling swift and accurate responses to customer inquiries.

See it in Action

Dodo Simplify

Provide a title for the category and include a comprehensive description. Keep in mind that our AI system evaluates sentence coherence rather than just keywords.

The depicted process involves users initiating conversations with the chatbot through messages, which are skillfully categorized to guide the bot's navigation toward optimal response routes. This method optimizes user engagement by delivering precise and contextually appropriate interactions for a seamless interaction journey.

Dodo Feedback

Dodo Feedback serves to evaluate interactions between agents and customers. It presents two options for assigning feedback scores: the system can automate the process, or administrators can manually trigger the AI's calculation by clicking a designated button.

Streamline Conversation Summaries and Agent Performance Evaluation: Facilitate the condensation of lengthy conversations and the assignment of scores to agents. Harness this capability to establish comprehensive key performance indicators (KPIs) for your agent team.

Smart Reply

Looking to elevate your customer communication with a touch of professionalism? Enter Smart Reply, the solution to your query. A simple selection of your sentence followed by a click on the magic Smart Reply button will work wonders.

Picture an agent receiving a query. Without the need for contemplation, they highlight the sentence 'Please provide further details.' With a simple tap on the Smart Reply button, the sentence elegantly transforms into 'Could you kindly share additional information?' – a seamless enhancement.

Dodo Whisper

Whether you prefer to upload your FAQ or input questions and answers manually, the next step is to integrate the Dodo Whisper widget from the builder. This empowers you to automatically respond to customer queries in a streamlined manner.

Imagine seamlessly integrating the Dodo Whisper widget after uploading your FAQ. When customers inquire, Whisper not only responds automatically but also validates the logical coherence of each question. This ensures accurate and relevant interactions, enhancing customer engagement and support quality.

Try Dodo AI with your own support